Came on, Join With Lubuk Resam Adventure

Came on, Join With Lubuk Resam Adventure

The Regent of Seluma chaired a preparatory meeting for Lubuk Resam cruising activities--

The Seluma Regent invited all Sleuma residents and residents outside Seluam to join in enlivening this event. ''Lubuk Resam is in North Seluma District with extraordinary tourist charm,''he said.


BACA JUGA:Bisa Gagal! Ternyata KTP Dukungan ke Calon DPD RI, Banyak Ganda



Erwin Said, in Lubuk resam, you can see waterfalls, hot springs, caves, rivers and other beautiful locations. It is even very suitable for you to travel with your family and camp there.



At this meeting, the Regent reminded all OPD heads to attend and make the event a success which was the inaugural event of the Seluma 2023 Calendar of Events.


BACA JUGA:Oknum TNI Terlibat Pengeroyokan di Seluma, Diusut Tuntas



"My hope and that of all of us is that this event will be successful and lively and give a good impression to the community, especially in North Seluma District," said the Regent.

