Came on, Join With Lubuk Resam Adventure

The Regent of Seluma chaired a preparatory meeting for Lubuk Resam cruising activities--
TAIS CITY, radarselumaonline, Lets joint with us, Lubuk Resam Event. It,s great event ini Seluma City.
This event to promote tourist attraction in Seluma City Province of Bengkulu, Indonesia.
BACA JUGA:Saldo DANA Gratis Rp600 Ribu dari Pemerintah, Apa Kamu yang Termasuk?
Seluma Regent Erwin Octavian SE accompanied by Regional Secretary H Hadianto SE MM M.Si, Assistants and Expert Staff as well as all Heads of Service, Head of North Seluma Sub-District Head of North Seluma District held a coordination meeting for the preparation of the Adventure Lubuk Resam 2023.
This event will be start from Wednesday ( 11/01/2023).