FSH-free versus FSH-primed infertility treatment of women with polycystic ovary syndrome using biphasic

Between January 2023 and June 2023, 120 women were randomized--
Prof Dr Lan Vuong from The University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City and MyDuc hospital, HCMC, Vietnam, who led the study, said: “This randomized controlled trial with 120 patients proves that CAPA-IVM without rFSH priming is as effective as two days of rFSH priming. With a live birth rate of 38% for single blastocyst transfer CAPA-IVM achieved a similar live birth rate than standard IVF with 8-10 days of rFSH treatment. This is great news and a milestone achievement. The data supports our belief that women with PCOS are suitable for a complete gonadotrophin free, alternative fertility treatment.”
BACA JUGA:Inilah 5 Kutukan Allah SWT Terhadap Kaum Yahudi Diabadikan Dalam Al-Qur'an
CAPA-IVM is a novel approach to in-vitro maturation of oocytes recovered after no or minimal ovarian stimulation, that incorporates a capacitation step in the maturation of oocytes in vitro which enhances oocyte developmental competence. CAPA-IVM is a patient-friendly assisted reproductive technology method that may become an alternative option to conventional ovarian stimulation and IVF, with reduced treatment burden in some selected groups of patients. The worldwide rights to the CAPA-IVM technology are owned by Lavima Fertility, Inc. Lavima Fertility is developing a medical device for future application of this technology.