BAT Accelerates Sustainability Commitments in APAC

The British American Tobacco (BAT) Group--
JAKARTA, INDONESIA, Radarseluma.Disway.Id -The British American Tobacco (BAT) Group has released its 2023 Combined Annual and Sustainability Report detailing strong global performance against its Sustainability targets.
Global highlights from the report include:
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Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in line with climate science: 33.1% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions in 2023, and a 12.48% reduction in Scope 3 emissions in 2022 vs 2020 baseline.
Promoting a circular economy: 28.2% reduction in operational waste generated (vs 2017 baseline), achieving BAT's 25% reduction target early. 94% of materials used for packaging is made from reusable, recyclable or compostable material.
Generating positive value in agriculture: 39.2% reduction in water withdrawn in BAT's direct operations (vs 2017 baseline), achieving the 35% reduction target two years early. 93.3% of farmers in the Thrive Supply Chain are reported to be growing other crops for income diversification.
Supporting biodiversity goals: On track to hit biodiversity targets including being 68.8% forest positive across BAT's tobacco supply chain by 2025.
Preventing underage access: Progressed the embedding of Underage Access Prevention and International Marketing Principles programmes into Group-wide Standards of Business Conduct.
Globally recognised sustainability success: MSCI ESG rating was upgraded to a rating of A (scale of AAA to CCC) in 2023, from a BBB in 2022. (see MSCI ESG rating guidance here).