OPP O Find X7 Ultra First to Achieve DXOMARK Eye Comfort Display Label

OPP O Find X7 Ultra First to Achieve DXOMARK Eye Comfort Display Label

OPP O Find X7 Ultra First to Achieve DXOMARK Eye Comfort Display Label--


SHENZHEN, CHINA, Radarseluma.Disway.Id, - OPPO Find X7 Ultra, the Ultimate Camera Phone, has achieved DXOMARK's Gold Display Label and is the first device to earn the Eye Comfort Display Label for its holistic approach to screen quality and eye comfort.



Combining crisp detail with smooth motion and a vibrant, brilliant picture, OPPO Find X7 Ultra's display places a firm focus on quality and eye comfort, allowing it to be used for longer while minimizing potential eye strain.


BACA JUGA: Mantan Kepala Bappeda Seluma 2008, Diperiksa Jaksa

BACA JUGA: 2 Paskibraka Seluma Gugur, 7 Masih Berjuang di Tingkat Provinsi

DXOMARK Eye Comfort Display Label


The Eye Comfort Display Label is only awarded to screens that meet four requirements set by DXOMARK's expert engineering team.


The first requirement is a limit on the amount of flicker that can be perceived. DXOMARK stipulates detection probability should be below 50% in default mode or with anti-flicker mode activated; OPPO Find X7 Ultra's display flicker perception probability was just 10%.

