Next Calendar Event, Cemoro Sewu Wisata

Kamis 19-01-2023,10:39 WIB
Reporter : admin5131radarseluma1
Editor : admin5131radarseluma1


PEMATANG AUR , radarselumaonline, - After carrying out the tourism cruising event in Lubuk Resam Village, North Seluma District, Erwin Octavian, SE will again schedule a sightseeing tour, namely in Ivory Coast or Cemoro Sewu beach in Kungkai Baru, Air Periukan District.


BACA JUGA: Sapi Mantan Kadespun Ikut


Similar to the activities in Lubuk Resam, in the activities at Cemoro Sewu the district head will also invite all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) to participate and directly provide services to the people who are there.


BACA JUGA: Dari 182, Baru Tiga Desa Selesaikan APBDes


"I asked that the activities at Cemoro Sewu be for each OPD to provide assistance to the community when there are activities there," the regent said yesterday.

It is planned that the activity at Cemoro Sewu will be held on January 28. The activities organized by the regional government made 25 KKs. 12 KTP replacements. Making 2 Death Certificates.


Making 28 Birth Certificates. Making 38 MCH certificates. Carry out family planning services for the people of Lubuk Resam Village as many as 10 implants, 3 IUDs, 10 injections, and birth control pills for 5 residents and condoms for 3 residents.


Carry out free medical treatment and health checks for 30 residents. Distributed 15 basic food packages and fruit seeds to residents of Lubuk Resam Village. (adt)

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