Beijing to Fully Open Ming Tombs to Tourists to Further Showcase Ming Dynasty Culture at The Ming Culture For

 Beijing to Fully Open Ming Tombs to Tourists to Further Showcase Ming Dynasty Culture at The Ming Culture For

More than 100 national treasures were unveiled at the opening ceremony.--

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At the main forum, two study tour routes featuring the ruins and relics of the Ming Dynasty were announced: one is from the Park of the Ruins of the Grand Canal Source, to Changling (Tomb of Emperor Yongle), Dingling and then the Visitor Center of the Ming Toombs Scenic Area, and the other from the Juyongguan Great Wall to Yongling or Siling and other mausoleums not yet open to the public.


It will take two days to complete both routes, and visitors can spend the night in hotels nearby or camping at Juyongguan to enjoy the starry night and immerse yourself in the splendor of Ming culture.


On the opening day of the main forum, the imperial guard-of-honor welcome ceremony and the grand archery ritual typical of Ming Dynasty were held at the Ming Culture International Exchange Center. The performers were dressed in exquisite official uniforms, holding huban (representing government officials of Ming Dynasty), Xiuchun Dao (a single-edged sword representing the Imperial Guard of Ming Dynasty), flags featuring the pattern of dragon, tiger, bird, and tortoise respectively, and qilin-pattern flags, among other ceremonial utensils. The ceremonial demonstrations, soundtrack performances, costume displays, and competitive performances fully showed the solemnity and grandeur of the grand archery ritual of Ming Dynasty.


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Meanwhile, Changping has planned four modules of activities: "Ming Gift," "Ming Joy," "Ming Color" and "Ming Rhyme," and will successively launch more than 30 cultural activities including music concerts, air tours, the parade in ancient ceremonial dress, Li Shizhen Traditional Chinese Medicine Cultural Festival, and the Ming-style fashion, to attract more tourists and improve the popularity and influence of Ming culture.
