SCHMID Group Takes Next Step Towards Advanced Packaging for Integrated Circuits with Glass Cores

Kamis 30-05-2024,08:22 WIB
Reporter : radarseluma
Editor : radarseluma


The new SCHMID glass core substrate lab also includes the machine platforms that guide the SCHMID process to realize the next generation of ABF (Ajinomoto Build Up Films) based fan out.


“Depending on the final IC package, the material selection and process a customer could need may differ. Speed and process flexibility are now the main crucial elements to success,” explains Christian Schmid, CEO of the SCHMID Group, further adding, “Our SCHMID lab & pilot solution offers both and enables our customers to scale for high volume production quickly.”


Together with partners, SCHMID is currently the sole supplier for full TGV lab with all process steps necessary to turn a bare glass substrate into an advanced IC package.

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