SCHMID Group Takes Next Step Towards Advanced Packaging for Integrated Circuits with Glass Cores

Kamis 30-05-2024,08:22 WIB
Reporter : radarseluma
Editor : radarseluma


FREUDENSTADT, Germany, Radarseluma.Disway.Id,  -- Today, SCHMID Group N.V. (Nasdaq: SHMD) announces taking next step towards advanced packaging for integrated circuits with glass cores.


 Together with partners, the SCHMID Advanced IC Packaging Lab Solution is currently the sole supplier for full TGV lab with all process steps necessary to turn a bare glass substrate into an Advanced Integrated Circuit (IC) Package.




The need for more powerful and efficient chips to unlock the future of Artificial Intelligence and next-generation devices is massive. With innovation cycles outpacing Moore’s law and chip architecture needing to go 3D with more complex features – SCHMID’s Advanced IC Packaging solution helps to unlock what is possible for the Electronics industry.


Advanced IC Packaging has become a massive challenge for Semiconductor companies to overcome. Complexities from integrated chip designs are developing in a way that semiconductor chips are only optimized for their special task, paired with unique manufacturing needs and production technology.


The chiplet then takes over the position and role to connect these single, optimized chips, based on the best available powerline and “highway” for signals. The challenge for these expanded requirements is manifold. First, large substrate sizes with increased chiplet sizes at the same time. Also, the need for smaller feature sizes, higher signal integrity, better thermal management and combined with the introduction of new materials.




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