On Its 100 Years Anniversary, LUX Aims to Change Feminine Identity With 'In Her Name’

Sabtu 20-04-2024,12:55 WIB
Reporter : radarseluma
Editor : radarseluma

SINGAPORE - Radarseluma.Disway.Id,  - LUX, the global beauty brand under Unilever, proudly announces the launch of its new campaign, 'In Her Name', aimed at empowering women, as they bring to attention the unconscious bias of naming children in China.


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Traditionally, when naming children a few names chosen have connotations that reflect gender stereotypes, with girls receiving names like "Quiet" and "Small" to signify demure femininity, while boys get names like "Strong" and "Victory" to denote dominance. Interviews with women from diverse backgrounds revealed first-hand the impact of societal norms on their identities, resulting in unfair treatment or unrealised potential.


LUX, the global beauty brand under Unilever, proudly announces the launch of its new campaign, 'In Her Name', on the occasion of its 100th anniversary. The campaign aims to empower women and help them rise above sexist labels – their name. With a mission to rewrite the narrative for the next generation.




The 'In Her Name' campaign by LUX aims to change the way women are named by creating 100 names reflecting the essence of femininity today, drawing inspiration from classical literature, positive connotations, and the evolving landscape of societal development. LUX partnered with Dr. Liu Yanchun, a distinguished linguistics scholar from the University of China, to pioneer a movement challenging societal norms and stereotypes. The collaboration with Dr. Liu Yanchun ensured a thoughtful selection process, incorporating unbiased options to emphasize the diverse spectrum of femininity and promote inclusivity.


Dr. Liu Yanchun said, "In the process of creating these 100 new names, I've combined elements from literature, researched terms with positive connotations and took into account present societal norms to craft meaningful names for the women of today."


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